Hasta Mudrā for Health and Well-being
This advanced training teaches the benefits and practices of Mudrā from the Yoga and Āyurveda traditions.
This advanced training teaches the benefits and practices of Mudrā from the Yoga and Āyurveda traditions.
An advanced training course that offers tips and tricks to use face yoga as a wonderful addition to any yoga class that you teach.
Āyurveda for yoga teachers offers tools that inform your knowledge on addressing student needs, tips for guiding yogasana, and more.
The Vedic Sciences are many. Learn about an introduction to light and gain knowledge of jyotiṣa to complement your perspective.
Guidelines for living, yoga sutra is an ancient text that summarizes yoga philosophy for controlling the mind, critical on and off the mat.
When guiding asana, learn to use language through the kośa to create a connected experience for the person by exploring their wholeness.