Personal Mantra for a Personal Deity
Join Souvik Dutta to learn more about creating a personal mantra for a personal deity. He is also available for personal Jyotish readings.
Join Souvik Dutta to learn more about creating a personal mantra for a personal deity. He is also available for personal Jyotish readings.
The Clinics at PranaYoga offers appointments with our classroom students classified as Yoga Therapist-in-Training, and other referrals too.
Get insight into the coming year this January 3rd as Kerry Shamblin offers her annual presentation: 2021 Astrology Review.
For yoga therapists, this workshop will help you grow your yoga therapy skills and knowledge to support clients through the cancering process, includes awareness for post-diagnosis, pre-treatment, during treatment, and rehabilitation.
Our Yoga Therapist training is an extensive, thorough program. The PranaYoga Cikitsa Training is 1380 hours of therapy-focused advanced yoga curriculum.