Hansa is also available for one-on-one Yoga Therapy sessions, depending on schedule. For the clinic sessions, she may supervise the session directly or be a mentor for the yoga therapist-in-training before and after the session.

Or email our Clinic Administration directly: [email protected]
Jessa Buchalter, Clinic Coordinator, Yoga Therapist-in-Training
Yoga Therapy Sessions
Intake session lasts 1.5 hours
Follow-up sessions are indicated by your yoga therapist after evaluating your needs
The International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) defines Yoga therapy as the professional application of the tools and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes personalized assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management and yoga practices for individuals and small groups.
In a yoga therapy session we look at the whole person. What’s happening in your physical body, what you’re experiencing emotionally, and how you best connect to spiritual practice. We use the tools of yoga – breath, movement, mudra, mantra, meditation and more – to find a practice that moves you towards a feeling of wholeness.

Pricing for Yoga Therapy Sessions
More details and other professions are in the chart below
Yoga Therapy classroom clinic setting
students participate/observe as Program Director, Hansa, supervises
$100 intake
$75 per hour follow-up sessions
Prices vary for Yoga Therapists post-graduation
often Yoga Therapists have additional trainings and education that enhances their therapy skill set
but ultimately these details are specific to each Yoga Therapist that you might be referred to.

Clinic Administration

Jessa Buchalter, RYT 500, PRYT, CRYT, YACEP, Yoga Therapist-in-training
She practices Yoga Therapy in Boulder County, using asana, pranayama, mudra, meditation, self inquiry and Jin Shin Jytsu to help her clients reach their wellness goals. Jessa has been working with these tools professionally for over 15 years. She has taught over 1000 hours of yoga and received over 1000 hours of professional development. Jessa holds specialized certifications from Yoga Alliance for working with clients during pregnancy, postpartum and with children. She is currently completing her fourth year of training in yoga therapy with Hansa.
Jessa is the mother of two children on the cusp of their teenage years, living in Longmont, CO with her husband and cat.

First and foremost, my goal as a mentor for the Yoga Therapy Students in our training is to support them in the journey to become a yoga therapist. When I started studying yoga, more than forty years ago, and then completed teacher training five years later, yoga was taught in a therapeutic style that included body, mind and Spirit. With the growth of yoga in America, yoga classes changed from the internal journey to people connecting with their body and its flexibility. Often this change did not include as much focus on the flexibility of life and our connection to Spirit, and our training yokes back in this classical expression of yoga. Overall, our approach is meant to open a door for students, and their clients, to dive deeper into the practice that is changing their life.
Or email our Clinic Administration directly: [email protected]
Jessa Buchalter, Clinic Coordinator, Yoga Therapist-in-Training
Pricing, Details & PranaYoga Affiliated Professionals
Yoga Therapists-in-Training
Student-led Appointments
fees are established by the student
Jessa, Final Year Student
Jessa Buchalter RYT 500, PRYT, CRYT, YACEP, Yoga Therapist-in-training
Specialties include Yoga Therapy, pre/postnatal, Trauma, Jin Shin Jytsu
Locations: Longmont, CO, Boulder County and Surrounding Area or the PranaYoga Studio or Online
Availability: Mon-Thurs
Learn more here: www.longmontyogatherapy.com
My mother and very first yoga teacher likes to boast that I began my yoga practice in the womb. I grew up immersed in yoga with an endless curiosity and desire to grow which led me to my initial 200hr yoga training in 2007 and inspired the additional 1100 hours of continued professional development and nearly 2000 hours working with students over the last 16 years. I am currently completing a 1380 hr C-IAYT Yoga Therapy Training with Hansa Knox and offering Yoga Therapy under her supervision. I guide my students to bring awareness to their unconscious patterns, to integrate their own physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experience and be empowered to be and move in their bodies in a different way. Deep breath and an inward focused attention is the heart of my gentle, but challenging therapeutic offering, intended to help you “come home to your body.”
Vedic Astrologers
often Vedic Astrologers (Jyotishi) have unique approaches based on their lineage of study and life experiences; having a reading with a Jyotishi will provide information and insight for your own exploration
Prices vary – Expect individualized rates through each professional
Specialties: Counseling Vedic Astrologer
Online or Estes Park, Colorado. Serving the Universe.
Availability: https://calendly.com/kerryshamblin
Learn more here: https://www.planetaryinfluence.com
Kerry has been involved with Vedic studies since the early 1990’s having been put on the path by the practical and wise teachings of Yogacharya Dharmananda. With interests in yoga, ayurveda, and vedanta, her main focus is practicing and mentoring through jyotisha, or Vedic astrology.
Amit Garg 15 years practicing Jyotish
Specialties: Jyotish (VedicAstrology) and Vastu
Online from Southern California, flexible times
Learn more here on Consultations, Courses, Blog and Remedies: vedicastroamit.com
AMIT GARG, Jyotish Āchārya
15 years Experience practicing Jyotish
Amit is a practitioner of Parāshari and Bhrigu Nandi Nādi astrology and co-author of book “Yoga & Jyotish” (available on Amazon). Amit does Jyotish consultations and teaches live online Courses on Jyotish as well as in-person workshops at Yoga studios all over the US. Amit is a story teller, he uses a lot of mythology in all his teachings. Amit is passionate about sharing Jyotish insights on his very popular Youtube channel (youtube.com/@vedicastroamit), Instagram (instagram.com/vedicastroamit) and through his Blog on his website (vedicastroamit.com/blog). Amit’s goal is to make the eternal wisdom of Vedic sciences accessible in this day and age in plain simple language.
Offerings & Specialties:
• Consultations on all areas of life: Life Purpose, Finances, Career, Children, Marriage, Love
• Muhurata (Auspicious time selection)
• Birth Time Rectification (if you do not know your exact birth time)
• Amit specializes in making astrology simple and practical
• Amit has 100s of satisfied clients all over the USA
Email: [email protected]
Amit has a B.Tech in Electronics Engineering from IIT Kharagpur (India, 1993-1997) and MBA from University of North Carolina (USA, 2003-2005).
Specialites: Jyotisa, Ayurveda, injury rehabilitation
Locations: the PranaYoga Studio or Practitioner’s primary studios in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs or Online
Availability: Fluctuating on Tuesdays-Thursdays 9am-3pm
Learn more here: www.yogahomecos.com
Samantha (she/her) has been a practitioner of yoga since 2001 where she first found yoga after a back injury. What she really connected with, however, was the relief yoga offered from her self-hatred and depression. She fell in love with the peace she experienced after her practice, her community, and herSelf.
In 2007 she started teaching yoga in Green Bay, WI, where she was already employed as a personal trainer. She completed a 200-hour teacher training in 2011 at Pranava Yoga Center and after years of self-study, she completed her 300-hour advanced training in 2018.
In 2022, she became a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapy (C-IAYT) through her teacher Hansa Knox of PranaYoga and Ayurveda Mandala. She has thousands of hours of study as a practicing Jyotiṣī (Vedic astrologer w/ Freedom Cole), is a new Svastha Ācarya (Āyurvedic lifestyle coach w/ Dr. Jessica Vallela, BAMS), is an ongoing student of Saṃskṛta (the language of yoga w/ Keith Topar), and is also a Licensed Massage Therapist. She knows her dharma (life’s path) is to share what she’s learned through life and brings her love of studying into every class to provide a safe and thoughtful environment to her students. Her goofy and genuine character is reflected in her offerings, and she hopes to impart to her students that we all have something to learn, and yoga is one of the greatest teachers.
Spiritual Inquiry Specialization
these individuals have a specialized focus on spiritual growth, amongst other skills and knowledge
Prices vary – Expect individualized rates through each professional
You may contact him directly: [email protected]
See his website here: www.swamidharmananda.com & on Facebook: www.facebook.com/yogacharya.dharmananda
Swamiji’s photos are courtesy of Valerie Meadows, Meadows Photography
Specialties: Mantra, Chanting, Music Therapy
Virtual Online Appointments only
My journey with yoga began when my son was born in 2001. I decided I wanted to do everything in my power to heal and grow to be a better parent and provider for that little human. What I learned has made my life manageable and even enjoyable. It is my North Star in everything I do.
My goal as a teacher and yoga therapist is to share all I have learned to help people heal and grow, while exploring the tools of yoga. Helping people improve quality of life, and function and live more fully in the world around them.
I have studied classical yoga for over 20 years, with over 1200 hours of training.
My other life endeavors have included being a professional cellist, private music teacher, studying Indian music, owning a yoga studio, raising my son, and taking every opportunity possible to travel and enjoy nature.
Classroom Clinic
Yoga Therapy classroom clinic setting
students participate/observe as Program Director, Hansa, supervises
Monday mornings and other times by appointment
$100 intake
$75 per hour follow-up sessions
Hansa, School Director, Yoga Therapist, Lead Instructor
My goal as a teacher of Yoga Therapy is to first teach exploring yoga on and off the mat, our focus in the class work. As I mentor students during their practicum experiences, I look for the inclusion of anatomical wisdom, yoga lifestyle basics and the use of a variety of yoga tools, including breathing practice, meditation, mantra, mudra, the use of subtle body points called marma, and much more. Did they include them in your protocol? I review the intake of your case. Then, I answer questions and educate the therapist in training in areas they are seeking more knowledge. I also support them in their protocol choices and, if necessary, guide them to next steps as they mature their yoga therapy relationship with you. My belief is that yoga begins when you leave the mat, so integrating awareness of “what is happening” on a subtle level can invite a student/client inquiry about “what is happening to me.”
For private sessions: $135 initial 1.5 hour intake
$110 per hour follow-up sessions
Yoga Therapists, C-IAYT
Nationally recognized Yoga Therapists have additional trainings and education that enhances their therapy skill set
Prices vary – Expect individualized rates through each professional
Hansa, C-IAYT and APD provider, E-RYT500, YACEP, LMT, KCYT, BS
Specialities: Body Mind Spirit Connection, Ayurveda-informed Yoga Therapy, Massage
Locations: the PranaYoga Studio or Online in specific circumstances
Availability: Based on schedule, she can offer open times when you contact her
For private sessions: $135 initial 1.5 hour intake
$110 per hour follow-up sessions
Hansa has been able to develop a keen insight into the collaboration of the Body, Mind, and Spirit. She has studied and integrated diverse body oriented therapies including Kripalu Yoga, Yoga Therapy, Therapeutic Body work, Body Reading, Health Education, and Ministry to facilitate Spirit connection. Her Yoga Therapy sessions are personalized based on the individuals’ needs each time. Her goal is to serve and facilitate your health and well-being in Body, Mind, and Spirit
Specialites: Jyotisa, Ayurveda, injury rehabilitation
Locations: the PranaYoga Studio or Practitioner’s primary studios in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs or Online
Availability: Fluctuating on Tuesdays-Thursdays 9am-3pm
Learn more here: www.yogahomecos.com
Samantha (she/her) has been a practitioner of yoga since 2001 where she first found yoga after a back injury. What she really connected with, however, was the relief yoga offered from her self-hatred and depression. She fell in love with the peace she experienced after her practice, her community, and herSelf.
In 2007 she started teaching yoga in Green Bay, WI, where she was already employed as a personal trainer. She completed a 200-hour teacher training in 2011 at Pranava Yoga Center and after years of self-study, she completed her 300-hour advanced training in 2018.
In 2022, she became a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapy (C-IAYT) through her teacher Hansa Knox of PranaYoga and Ayurveda Mandala. She has thousands of hours of study as a practicing Jyotiṣī (Vedic astrologer w/ Freedom Cole), is a new Svastha Ācarya (Āyurvedic lifestyle coach w/ Dr. Jessica Vallela, BAMS), is an ongoing student of Saṃskṛta (the language of yoga w/ Keith Topar), and is also a Licensed Massage Therapist. She knows her dharma (life’s path) is to share what she’s learned through life and brings her love of studying into every class to provide a safe and thoughtful environment to her students. Her goofy and genuine character is reflected in her offerings, and she hopes to impart to her students that we all have something to learn, and yoga is one of the greatest teachers.
Specialities: Yoga Therapy and Vichara
Locations: the PranaYoga studio or Online or Client’s home in Denver and surrounding areas
Availability: I’m flexible! I work 7 days a week
Learn more here: www.blissyogawithLeslie.com
Bhakta has practiced yoga & meditation since her early twenties. Having suffered from back pain for many years yoga not only addressed her pain but gave her a new level of comfort in her body, along with an expanded awareness beyond the limitations of her body and mind. She began teaching Svaroopa® Yoga in 2002 after taking the Foundations course (she now travels nationally to teach this course). She received her training from Swami Nirmalananda, (formerly Rama Berch), the co-founding president of Yoga Alliance, master teacher and originator of Svaroopa® Yoga, founder of Master Yoga Foundation and Svaroopa Vidya® Ashram. Her certifications include: Svaroopa® Vidya Meditation Teacher, Embodyment® Yoga Therapist, Vichara Therapist & Svaroopa® Yoga Therapist, Workshop & Retreat Leader.
She serves the yoga community as an Embodyment® Therapist Trainer, Foundations Teacher Trainer, Leading Teacher and DTS Mentor.
Bhakta transitioned out of the photo business and has been teaching yoga full time since 2006. She has always been a spiritual seeker. This yoga tradition continues to inspire and deepen her spiritual development. She is dedicated to supporting others with their physical and spiritual fulfillment.
Practitioners of Āyurveda
often Ayurvedic Practitioners have unique approaches based on their lineage of study and other specialized skills
Prices vary – Expect individualized rates through each professional
Specialites: Jyotisa, Ayurveda, injury rehabilitation
Locations: the PranaYoga Studio or Practitioner’s primary studios in Fountain, Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs or Online
Availability: Fluctuating on Tuesdays-Thursdays 9am-3pm
Learn more here: www.yogahomecos.com
Samantha (she/her) has been a practitioner of yoga since 2001 where she first found yoga after a back injury. What she really connected with, however, was the relief yoga offered from her self-hatred and depression. She fell in love with the peace she experienced after her practice, her community, and herSelf.
In 2007 she started teaching yoga in Green Bay, WI, where she was already employed as a personal trainer. She completed a 200-hour teacher training in 2011 at Pranava Yoga Center and after years of self-study, she completed her 300-hour advanced training in 2018.
In 2022, she became a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapy (C-IAYT) through her teacher Hansa Knox of PranaYoga and Ayurveda Mandala. She has thousands of hours of study as a practicing Jyotiṣī (Vedic astrologer w/ Freedom Cole), is a new Svastha Ācarya (Āyurvedic lifestyle coach w/ Dr. Jessica Vallela, BAMS), is an ongoing student of Saṃskṛta (the language of yoga w/ Keith Topar), and is also a Licensed Massage Therapist. She knows her dharma (life’s path) is to share what she’s learned through life and brings her love of studying into every class to provide a safe and thoughtful environment to her students. Her goofy and genuine character is reflected in her offerings, and she hopes to impart to her students that we all have something to learn, and yoga is one of the greatest teachers.
Specialties: Thai Yoga Therapy, Ayurvedic Health Counseling, marma therapy, customized instruction, yoga nidra
Locations: Practitioner’s primary studio location in Salida, CO
By appointment via my website
Learn more here: https://www.pranabeing.com
Colorado native, ultra-distance athlete and adventurer, dancer, and Certified Yoga Therapist and Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Priti is named as a Senior Teacher in the Lineage of Bhagwan Lakulish, Swami Kripalvanandji, and Gurudev Shri Amritji. Priti studied closely with her teachers for 7 years before beginning private practice in 2011. She has been practicing Yoga for 24 years and teaching for 20 years. Her approach centers on reconnecting with nature through prana and the elements, embodying well-being as an essential skill, and embracing healing and health building as a life’s work that serves every relationship and all life on Earth.