Āyurveda Cooking Foundations
In this class we will cover the basics of Ayurveda Cooking Foundations to incorporate into your daily life, includes a meal.
In this class we will cover the basics of Ayurveda Cooking Foundations to incorporate into your daily life, includes a meal.
The Clinics at PranaYoga offers appointments with our classroom students classified as Yoga Therapist-in-Training, and other referrals too.
This is a unique class covering Ayurveda and cooking basics. Learn to prepare ghee, chai and kitchari.
For yoga therapists, this workshop will help you grow your yoga therapy skills and knowledge to support clients through the cancering process, includes awareness for post-diagnosis, pre-treatment, during treatment, and rehabilitation.
Our Yoga Therapist training is an extensive, thorough program. The PranaYoga Cikitsa Training is 1380 hours of therapy-focused advanced yoga curriculum.