Face Yoga
An advanced training course that offers tips and tricks to use face yoga as a wonderful addition to any yoga class that you teach.
An advanced training course that offers tips and tricks to use face yoga as a wonderful addition to any yoga class that you teach.
We offer 2 locations for YTT. Take our Contemplative Yoga Teacher Training in Colorado Springs at Yoga Home or in Denver at PranaYoga.
We offer 2 locations for YTT. Take our Contemplative Yoga Teacher Training in Denver at PranaYoga or in Colorado Springs at Yoga Home.
Kula Sangha Meditations brings 4Beings together, Hansa, Priti, John, and Jeremy, to gather online with you for connection and peaceful moments.
Āyurveda for yoga teachers offers tools that inform your knowledge on addressing student needs, tips for guiding yogasana, and more.