Yoga Trainings and Workshops

Our Yoga Trainings and Workshops can deepen your Vedic Science experience and knowledge, and support pursuing a professional path. They include:
Continuing Education courses (CE) and workshops (Open to All),
Yoga Therapist Certification (PYCT) – link here for our clinic,
and courses for yoga therapists (APD).
Scroll down, listed in order of date

Advanced registration is required in our Yoga Trainings and Workshops — don’t delay!
Please register by 2 weeks of the program start date as courses without minimum registrations will be canceled. Courses offer early discounts that you won’t want to miss so register at least 4 weeks before.
Listed below are our current offerings in order of date offered.
Designations for registration are indicated for each. Those marked “Open to All” may be attended by anyone in the community for personal growth. If CE is indicated, a 200-hour certification may be required for registration and the course can be applied toward advanced training hours or as continuing education hours. Requests are considered for those not meeting the certification requirement. If APD is indicated, IAYT has approved the course for Yoga Therapists earning continuing education.
Due to the value that in-person training offers, often we require in-person attendance. Yoga is about relationships and PranaYoga would prefer every class be taught in person.  Online and hybrid classes have become a norm.  Our school offerings include:

  • The majority of our courses require in-person attendance.
  • Selected courses and trainings may be offered with a mixed in-person/hybrid schedule. 
  • Selected didactic courses may be offered with a full hybrid option.

Check each course for its teaching format.

The Cancering Journey: Yoga Therapy and Cancer

Yoga Therapy and Cancer: The Cancering Journey (CE, APD)

March 8-9, 2025
APD credit for C-IAYT, Yoga Therapists
Continuing Education, Advanced Yoga Training, Hybrid course
Yoga has tools for the various stages to support the client. We are treating the person (not the disease) so the tools need to be personally adapted to the client, the treatment plan, the type of cancer, and how they are reacting or responding to their experience.
Yoga Therapy Considerations for Children

Yoga Therapy Considerations for Children (CE, APD)

March 10, 14 & 17, 2025
APD credit for C-IAYT, Yoga Therapists
Continuing Education, Advanced Yoga Training, Hybrid course
This course explores the uniqueness of children and guidelines for Yoga Therapy. Dive into the tools of Yoga and how they apply to children’s growth cycles, their specific abilities, and how they support challenges of childhood diseases.
Pregnancy Complications and Yoga Therapy

Pregnancy Complications and Yoga Therapy (CE, APD)

April 12 & 13, 2025
APD credit for C-IAYT, Yoga Therapists
Continuing Education, Advanced Yoga Training, Hybrid course
The woman’s anatomy naturally changes and it’s important to consider both western and āyurveda perspectives. Yoga Therapists and Teachers will learn to adapt yoga tools to address any complications the mother may experience during pregnancy, childbirth, and post-recuperation time. Coupled with the knowledge of when to refer for medical care, the goal is to support the woman on her journey. Tools include adaptions of āsana and an integration prānāyāma, also meditation, bonding, mudrā, sounding, and more.
Yoga Therapy for Senioring and Caretaking

Yoga Therapy for Senioring and Caretaking (CE, APD)

May 2 & 3, 2025
APD credit for C-IAYT, Yoga Therapists
Continuing Education, Advanced Yoga Training, Hybrid course

The impact of aging, societal effects and health issues, including medications, are important to integrate into yoga therapy for senioring. This workshop illuminates how Yoga can offer both Seniors and their Caretakers vitality and suppleness.  On the journey of Senioring, Yoga becomes a tool for mobility.  Specific medical conditions are inherent in the aging process and there are also end-of-life mental health implications to address during the Senior years.