We appreciate your contribution to Sanga. If you choose, you may specifically designate funds.
Use “Donate Here” below to pay with a credit card or mail us a check (funds can be designated in the memo line).
Please mail checks to:
3333 Federal Blvd
Denver, CO 80211
Non-profit Tax ID: 84-1571370
PranaYoga has a mission of outreach to the community and therefore coordinates with an affiliate non-profit called Sanga.
Sanga offers educational opportunities in the Vedic Sciences and supports the needs of the Yoga community through active spirituality. Sanga is run by volunteers.
Sanga is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
Donations of any amount are graciously accepted.
Not-For-Profit Organization: Sanga
Sanga focuses on supporting the yoga community and maintaining the integrity of Vedic Science education. We deeply appreciate your support. Sanga does this through fundraising, scholarships, and networking. Our outreach includes an ongoing scholarship program for students registering for Vedic Science programs in Colorado, Om Radha Krishna Fund, Jai Bhagwan House in India, PranaYoga Building Fund, and other coordinated projects.
Hansa shares: We are so lucky to be living in a world of such abundance. I feel the opportunity to continually pass it on as part of my life and inherent in the yoga philosophy, and the philosophies of many traditions. The world is really one family. We need to practice modeling loving kindness. We need to explore moving beyond the perceived differences that divide us and instead discover the similarities that bind us. Everyone, bottom line, just wants to be acknowledged, seen, and heard. Everyone’s heart beats the same. Everyone has a talent to express and without others available, lose their ability to share their gift.
Sanga & Students: Robert and Norma Johnson Scholarship Fund
Our Robert and Norma Johnson Scholarship Fund helps to support yoga teachers to access yoga educational opportunities by providing additional money to explore their yoga journey. Applications are accepted by students registering for Vedic Science programs in Colorado. Please link through or contact us for a Scholarship Application to be reviewed by our board. To contribute your support, please indicate donations specifically to Scholarship Fund. |
Sanga & Swamiji: Om Radha Krishna Fund
We are happy to be honoring Yogacharya Dharmananda (Swamiji) as a host for some of his programs and a channel for donations. Donations toward Swamiji may be designated to Om Radha Krishna Fund.
Sanga & the Yoga Community: Kula Sangha Meditations
Sanga is happy to be sponsoring the group, Kula Sangha Meditations, as they offer free meditations for the Yoga Community at large. These meditations, and other “A Call To Being” workshops, are a collaboration of these four Beings: Jeremy Wolf, Hansa, Priti Chanda Klco, and John Vosler. Donations may be designated to Kula Sangha Meditations. See more here.
Additional Local Non-Profit Support
Both Sanga and PranaYoga believe in fostering connections throughout the community.
Yoga for the People
A grassroots, volunteer-run organization that relies on the support of the yoga community to match volunteer instructors with nonprofits who help unserved, underserved or at-risk people and to provide community-based donation only classes. In addition, YFP provides support and education for yoga teachers choosing the path of yoga in service to those in need, and research and evaluation on the benefits of yoga. They offer availability of partial scholarships to their volunteers. Visit their website through linking here and contact them for more information.