Course fee (non-refundable amount varies by registration date)
$460.00 Early Bird discount
$510.00 after Thursday, August 25, 2022
$560.00 after Thursday, September 8, 2022
Course Details:
The course includes practice and discuss basic hasta mudrā used in the Yoga and Āyurveda traditions.Prāna, the Life Force, is channeled through the body by nadī or energy lines when we link the energy lines by connecting two different points through touch, just like the tungsten in a bulb creates light. We will learn the practice and the benefits of holding the different hand positions or hasta mudrā.
3-punch handouts provided. Bring your own notebook or folder. Required textbook: Mudras: Yoga in Your Hands by Gertrud Hirschi Optional textbook: Mudra: The Sacred Secret by Indu Arora Mudras for Healing and Transformation by Joseph and Lilian LePage
300-hour trainings are typically the next step for teachers.
We offer the option to attain 300-hours and more, with an excess of over 1000 hours of advanced classes available.
A required 200 hours of core courses must be supplemented with 100 hours additional elective courses to complete the 300 Hour + certification.
And, then you can continue your studies and earn the Certificate of PranaYoga Advanced Yoga Teacher Training (CPYT) for attaining 1000 hours of education.
You must have a 200 hour YTT certification before you can register. Courses can be used as continuing education.