Yoga for Cancering

$300.00 Early Bird discount

  • $350.00 after one month ahead
  • $400.00 after 2 weeks out

Many of us have known or will meet someone who has experienced cancering at some point. Cancer permeates our culture regardless of age, race, economic status, etc. Yoga has much to offer in all stages of the cancering process.

Cancer is a classification of disease defined as an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. It may metastasize and morph into a different type of cancer if not controlled. It can result in death. Cancer can be caused by external, internal or a combination of multiple factors. There are a variety of treatments. Each person, during the journey, moves through stages summarized as diagnosis, treatment, post-treatment and rehabilitation.

Our goal is to develop yoga practices for individuals based on their stage, capacity and restrictions. Tools may include āsana, prānāyāma, mudrā, mantra, meditation, yoga nidrā, yoga nidrā svādhyāyam, pratipakṣa bhāvana, etc. We will learn when to teach the tools and which ones may be contraindicated during certain stages of cancering. You will be required to demonstrate how to develop a practice for a cancering client.

3-punch handouts provided. Bring your own notebook or folder.



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