Deepen your Yoga Practice based on Jyotisha (PYTT)


Presented by Dr. Helgrid Randolph (MD Austria), Amit Garg (Jyotishchrya) and Hansa Knox, C-IAYT, LMT, KCYT

Before the Course, each participant will be provided instructions on how to download free Jyotish software and how to create their birth chart in this software.


Early registration discounts available

What to expect: 


Yoga, Jyotish, Ayurveda and Vastu are inseparable branches of ancient wisdom coming from the same source – the Vedas. Yoga talks about union of body, mind and soul. Jyotish or Vedic astrology is classified as the eyes of the Vedas, it is the light of God, the science of time, a map of Karma. Ayurveda is the science of life and teaches us how to maintain or regain constitutional balance. Vastu is the science of space. How can we separate time from space? How can we separate body from mind?

Our focus is to show the intimate connection between Jyotish and Yoga. When studied and applied together, these branches of ancient wisdom can bring amazing clarity and transformation.


So how can an understanding of our Karma through our horoscope help us in our Yoga practice? Choosing a Yoga practice that is based on our Karmic map is like riding a bicycle in the direction of the wind as opposed to riding it against the wind. Our chart tells us who we are as an individual. An Aries rising person for example, may not be able to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time but he or she can possibly do one hundred Sun salutations every single day; a strong Cancer person may never want to do Yoga by themselves, they like to do things in a group; a strong Leo person may have a tough time following instructions in a Yoga class but they usually make great Yoga teachers. We are all unique. Our Yoga practice should also be. Jyotish can help us individualize our Yoga practice.

Amit and Helgrid have written a book that is the basis for this course. Please get it ahead of time, available through the studio or on Amazon.
Yoga and Jyotish: Deepening your Yoga Practice with Vedic Astrology 

This course is part of our Advanced YTT, see more below. 

The Instructors: 

Dr. Helgrid Randolph (MD Austria) merges her training and experience in Western Medicine with her knowledge of the ancient healing sciences Ayurveda and Yoga. Helgrid studied Medicine at the University of Vienna, Austria, and worked as a doctor in both Austria and Germany. After moving to the US, Helgrid studied Ayurveda and Yoga at the Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda in Boulder, Colorado. She has continued her studies since then with several other teachers. She is a NAMA certified Ayurveda practitioner and C-IAYT Yoga Therapist. Helgrid has a private practice in Denver, Colorado and also teaches workshops and classes on Ayurveda and Yoga Therapy.
Amit Garg (Jyotishchrya) was born and brought up in northern India in the foothills of Himalayas. He was trained as Electronics Engineer from IIT-Kharagpur (India) and received his MBA from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill. Amit has studied Vedic Sciences with various teachers for many years. His primary Jyotish (Vedic astrology) Guru is Souvik Dutta, founder of Jyotish school Ancient Indian Astrology Classes (AIAC). Amit is part of the faculty at AIAC and teaches Jyotish and Vastu courses and workshops both online and in-person. 
Hansa Knox, C-IAYT, LMT, KCYT left the corporate world in 1988 and received her Yoga certification at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Continuing to study, she explores Vedic Chanting, Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy, and other Yoga tools. Yoga is the ‘bright star’ in her life. Through it, she has found tools for enhancing her understanding of her world. This has offered her insights into the collaboration of the Body, Mind, and Spirit. She is a Holistic Lifestyle Facilitator and her therapeutic work includes Yoga Therapy and Massage. Hansa is dedicated to offering excellent trainings for yoga teachers.

PranaYoga Teacher Training


Grow Your Yoga


Deepen Your Practice

300-hour trainings are typically the next step for teachers.

We offer the option to attain that and more, with more than 1000 hours of optional classes available.

You must have a 200 RYT equivalent certification before you can register. Courses can be used as continuing education.

Sample of topics include these and more:

Advanced Core Basics
Chakra, Tantra, and Esoteric Anatomy
Hatha Yoga Classical Texts incl. Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Teaching Methodology
Ayurveda for Yogasana Class
The Epics

Sample of special interest courses include:

Children’s Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Senior Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Yoga as Therapy