Mantra: Cultivating Our Divine Powers

Mantra: Cultivating Our Divine Powers

Our sister non-profit, Sanga, has partial scholarships available
for those needing assistance to pursue yoga training.

11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 

$300.00 Early Bird discount 

  • $350.00 after one month ahead 
  • $400.00 after 2 weeks out  

Mantra is calling on the names of the Deity who represents a quality we can use to enhance our life.  Each week, we will choose a deity, chant multiple mantra dedicated to the deity.  Storytelling will highlight the essence of the mantra.  We will conclude with discussions on how this could apply to our life.
Come learn about, share your stories and how you would honor:  Gāyatrī, Śiva, Kṛṣṇa, Durga/Kali, Sītā/Rāma, and Hanuman.
3-punch handouts provided.
Optional Reading: Ashley-Farrand, Thomas, Healing Mantras, Ballantine Publishing Group, New York, New York.
You will be asked to journal your experiences during your daily home practice and bring the sharing to the sessions.

Taught by: 
