Introduction to Mantra (PYTT)


Online Series

Presented by Hansa Knox, C-IAYT, LMT, KCYT


Early registration discounts available


In this course: 

Sanskrit is the language of the gods.  It is based on the flow of consciousness into our bodies.  Yogis look at the world as a reflection of Itself.  We are composed into ‘who we are’ due to the personalized vibrations of the Cosmic vibration.  When this flows into mantra, we are specifically moving the prāna forces in our body into a harmony with Self and our personal balance and well being.

Chanting the alphabet properly and integrating proper pronunciation in mantra will be the focus of the workshop.  We will learn the Gayātrī, the Mahāmṛtyuṇjaya, and add chants for deities, health and spiritual goals. 

Based on the desires of the participants, we will focus on saying the āsana names properly, placing the letters of the alphabet in the body (bāhya mātṛka nyāsa) and building āsana based on the letters of the alphabet.

Handout will accompany course.

Optional Reading:  Ashley-Farrand, Thomas, Healing Mantras, 1999, Ballantine Publishing Group, New York, New York.

You will be asked to journal your experiences during your daily home practice and bring the sharing to the sessions.

This course is part of our Advanced YTT, see more below. 

PranaYoga Teacher Training


Grow Your Yoga


Deepen Your Practice

300-hour trainings are typically the next step for teachers.

We offer the option to attain that and more, with more than 1000 hours of optional classes available.

You must have a 200 RYT equivalent certification before you can register. Courses can be used as continuing education.

Sample of topics include these and more:

Advanced Core Basics
Chakra, Tantra, and Esoteric Anatomy
Hatha Yoga Classical Texts incl. Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Teaching Methodology
Ayurveda for Yogasana Class
The Epics

Sample of special interest courses include:

Children’s Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Senior Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Yoga as Therapy