Lifestyle Workshops

Lifestyle Workshops 

Āyurveda Herbs for the Yoga Therapist with Helgrid
09 October, 2023   11:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
4 hours $64 

Many āyurveda herbs are now sold in stores.  Often in the advertising, they only highlight selected benefits.  They don’t talk about full impact of an herb nor discuss indications, interactions and contraindications of herbs.  Āyurveda practitioners rarely give one herb alone.  Rather they balance the herbs for the individual.  So, how do you know what is safe?  Through education!  Join Helgrid as she guides you.  


Āyurveda Diet Guidelines, Diets, Conscious Eating Experience, Eating Disorders with Samantha
21 October, 2023  9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
8 hours $120

There is so much information about food and eating.  There are many diets.  What to do?  How do you evaluate all the reports and information.  My first response, listen to your body!   Not your mind!  In this day long exploration of Āyurveda and food, explore:

  • Do you really need to be concerned about your weight?  How much of this is a ‘marketing myth?’  How do we learn to have a relationship with our body, and then listen to what it needs?  
  • If you are eating consciously, it may be a  support building a relationship with food.
  • Āyurveda has guidelines to help support us in making wise choices based on our inner digestive fire.  How do you use the āyurveda guidelines to support a healthier food relationship.

Samantha will be guiding you through these topics – and so much more!


Exploring Lifestyle: The Kripalu Self Health Guide with Hansa
22 October, 2023  9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
7.5 hours $120

Many years ago, Kripalu published a book called The Kripalu Self Health Guide. I have found the lifestyle information is amazing. The book reviews eight tools for conscious living. They include:  living a relaxed life, loving your body, conscious communication, play, relaxed work, optimum diet, mastering communication, meditation and spiritual attunement, and creating a supportive lifestyle. We will spend the day exploring each modality. Note:  You can purchase the book online (please get the 1993 printing) or borrow one from the studio for the class.


Rasāyana Tools and Making Tonics with Hansa
23 October, 2023  11:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
4 hours $64

Āyurveda states we need to rebuild before we jump into an active yoga practice.  We will be talking about some of the rebuilding tools such as prānāyāma, mudrā, mantra some āyurveda tools such as tonics.  We are going to explore making some tonics and discuss their benefits. 


Our sister non-profit, Sanga, has partial scholarships available
for those needing assistance to pursue yoga training.

Taught by: 

Hansa, Samantha and/or Helgrid