Presented by Hansa Knox, C-IAYT, LMT, KCYT
Early registration discounts available
In this course:
Āsana affects the body in numerous ways impacting the physical, subtle and the psychospiritual body. Originally, āsana were given names to correspond with plants, animals, structures, etc., to guide us along the evolutionary path of returning to Spirit. The subtle, inner prāna is awakened to clear the blockages and open nadī-s in the body. We will explore the names of āsana based on the categories of the name and the root words of the āsana. We will explore the prāna flow based on the name. And, we will share some of the stories behind the names of the āsana. Experientially, we will hold a posture, explore its meaning, journal and share the experience in dyad or group format. We will discuss the impact of forward bending, back bending, lateral, twists and how each creates different openings.
Our work will be enhanced by information from two suggested books:
Vernon, Rama Jyoti, Yoga: The Practice of Myth and Sacred Geometry, 2014, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, WI.
Radha, Swami Sivananda, The Hidden Language of Yoga. 1996. Timeless Books. Spokane, Washington.
You will be asked to journal your experiences during your daily home practice and bring the sharing to the sessions.
This course is part of our Advanced YTT, see more below.
PranaYoga Teacher Training
Grow Your Yoga
Deepen Your Practice
300-hour trainings are typically the next step for teachers.
We offer the option to attain that and more, with more than 1000 hours of optional classes available.
You must have a 200 RYT equivalent certification before you can register. Courses can be used as continuing education.
Sample of topics include these and more:
Advanced Core Basics
Chakra, Tantra, and Esoteric Anatomy
Hatha Yoga Classical Texts incl. Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Teaching Methodology
Ayurveda for Yogasana Class
The Epics
Sample of special interest courses include:
Children’s Yoga
Prenatal Yoga
Senior Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Yoga as Therapy